For today, Wednesday, May 5, this is our selection of links that we hope may be of use to you.
The challenge of retaining donors
In times of crisis, many people try to contribute their grain of sand to improve the situation, but what happens when the crisis ends? This article tells how the NGO First Book is preparing for the end of the pandemic and presents key strategies for donor retention.
Art for Change Program of La Caixa Foundation
This initiative offers aid to cultural entities and artists in Spain who lead artistic activities to promote processes of social transformation. € 500,000 will be distributed among the selected projects. Applications until May 31.
Are charities being wise in respects to legacy fundraising?
Richard Radcliffe, an expert in inheritance and bequests, brings you 10 key questions you should ask yourself to work them in your organization. Take a look at the questions and their answers to learn how to be wise when developing these strategies.
The responsibility behind communicating
This Ship2B article explains some of the mistakes young organizations make when it comes to communication and will help you think of strategies that add to and do not damage the credibility of your projects.
V Call for Aid Patient VitalAire
Presented by Air Liquide Healthcare Spain, its objective is to promote initiatives of organizations that contribute to improving the quality of life of patients with respiratory diseases in Spain. Projects will be financed with € 2,000. Applications until May 31.
Until next Wednesday!