For today, Wednesday March 10, this is our selection of links that we hope can be useful to you. Impact Challenge for Women and Girls
This new fund will allocate 25 million USD to finance organizations that promote the economic empowerment of women and girls. Selected initiatives will receive up to $ 2 million and the chance to get guidance and support from Google. Applications until April 9.
Why do most women have imposter syndrome?
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg discusses why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their careers, and offers 3 powerful tips for women aspiring to the top.
Mapping initiatives for adaptation to sea level rise
This SEA’TIES call consists of identifying initiatives for adaptation to sea level rise implemented in urban areas in different regions of the world. The goal is to make them known internationally and share their key success factors. Participates.
Who pays, rules? The question of power in the philanthropic relationship
Based on the latest “Grantee Review Report” from the Center for Philanthropy Studies – Universität Basel, the author of this article shares several reflections, addresses interdependence aspects and underlines the importance of caring for the relationship to increase the social impact of projects.
Impact business solutions for the food sector
The Bolsa Social and CAPSA VIDA open a call to finance companies that are developing impact solutions for the food sector in Spain. You can get up to € 600,000 of investment. Applications until April 2.
Until next Wednesday!