
10 | Internal communication, privileges and much more …

By January 6, 2021January 12th, 2021No Comments

For today, Wednesday, January 6, this is our selection of links that we hope can be of use to you.

The other 100 biggest fortunes in Spain

Forbes has just published for the first time in its history, a list of the other 100 greatest fortunes in Spain: people who dedicate their time and energy to others. A very inspiring list.

Essential Guide to Internal Communication

The holidays are over and we have to get back to work. This guide created by BaseCamp gives you all the keys to start the year with better internal communication. This great forgotten in -almost- all organizations.

Privileges and anti-covid measures

In this article of The Guardian, Daisy Fancourt explains how people stopped paying attention to anti-covid measures when they saw that the most privileged one’s skipped them. Interesting analysis of human behavior.

The new year is already a tragedy

Among the many stories that human beings have created, one of them is that the new year is going to change things. In this article, the New York Times in Spanish reviews this beginning of the year … which is already a tragedy.

Music to start the day on a good mood

To end this first newsletter of the year, we invite you to browse this list on Spotify with the best songs to start the day right. Our favorite: “Happy Together” by The Turtles. enjoy it!


Until next Wednesday!

PS: thanks for being one of the 154 people subscribed to this Newsletter. Share it without fear … 😊