For today, Wednesday, December 16, this is our selection of links that we hope can be useful to you 💥
Charities Christmas gifts
The Fundación Lealtad has made a compilation of shops, events, solidarity markets, in Spain. so that our Christmas purchases are more supportive than ever. This year, give solidarity!
Do you have a communication project on climate change?
This call from the Norwegian Minor Foundation for Major Challenges is for you. The foundation is looking for communication projects with a global focus that promote the transition to a low-emission system. The call is open until February 5, 2021.
Spanish Podcasts on Fundraising
Do you know how the Thyseen Museum managed to digitize so quickly? or how Doctors of the World was able to give a rapid response to the pandemic? The Spanish Fundraising Association brings you these and other cases through its podcast. Listen to them here.
Teleworking, inequality and job insecurity
While some people could protect themselves from the virus by teleworking, many others had to continue to expose themselves. In this article, they tell you why teleworking is not an option for the poor, young people and women.
And for those who can telework, some wellness tips
Almost 200 days of teleworking: stress, apnea, monotony and fatigue… how to escape from it? Experts in digital wellness give you their advice.